Hi, my name is Lina Susanna Caspary.
I make films, designs, photos, social media concepts, content, websites and clothes.
I am based in Cologne and Mainz, Germany.

my work

Monatsvideos (2018, ongoing)
stills from 2020 — 2024

(bottom right to top left)

monthly video production, edit, grading

chapter illustrations, bookmark,

Ausschussware Magazin (2024)
open call photo magazine

photo submission

Ein Porträt von Liebe (2023)
short film


big bull — SHEEBABA (2022)
music video

direction, edit, grading

am:pm — Dayn (2020)
music video


All (contract) works on this website are the property of my clients and are used here with their permission.

about me

Having studied art history and film theory, my creative approach is deeply conceptual and filled with references from art and music I feel inspired by. While the academic world has shaped my perspective and continues to influence my work, my passion lies in the applied arts, which I’m eager to explore further.

Continuing my passion for editing, I started a longterm project in 2018 that I call Monatsvideos (“monthly videos”) challenging myself to produce and edit a video every month. Since then, I have not skipped one month — no matter how busy I was or how I felt about creating something. Over the course of more than 80 videos, this commitment has honed my skills in pacing, sound design, and storytelling, while deepening my understanding of the world around me. The continuing project makes me a better, consistent and confident editor. Sharing these works on Instagram has brought me invaluable exchange with fellow creatives and led to my first directing and editing opportunities for music videos.

When I first started working in social media in 2021, I edited podcasts and sharepics. Gradually growing his number of followers, my employer and influencer Tim Schlenzig entrusted me with larger projects. This led to us publishing his first book for a market-leading publisher and me illustrating the entire book. We co-founded a social media consulting company that helps creators find their voice on social media without jumping on the hustle culture bandwagon of the corporate coaching world. To enhance our services, I taught myself web design, ensuring our clients’ visions are fully realized. Our emphasis on empathy and authenticity is also the reason we called the company awwwConsulting.

My passion lies in understanding a vision and elevating it to create an immersive, cohesive world for both the creator and their audience. I believe in the power of consistency, crafting concepts that touch every detail — from packaging to Instagram captions or stage outfits. It’s the small, thoughtful elements that make a brand relatable and authentic.

In my free time I mostly enjoy making and listening to music, watching films, crocheting / knitting clothes and spending time with my queer community. My friends play a significant role in my work because they are the people who inspire me the most, challenging me to step out of my comfort zone. With so many interests and creative outlets, I’ve never known boredom — and I don’t think I ever will.